Thursday, January 8, 2009

January 8


white studio shots 008-2

Yes it's a mandolin,
Yeah it's missing two strings,
No I can't play.

2 people have spoken:

Unknown said...

I love the way you single out these objects. And the colors
You've also posted a picture of what happens to be my favorite instrument, so I guess I'm slightly biased. ;)

I have GIMP, but I don't know too much about how it works. I know how to use the line tool (a HUGE accomplishment for me) and how to resize and basic things like that, but that's all. I'd love to learn more about it.

I don't have any questions about GIMP at this moment, but there are two thing I would like to know:
1)How do you achieve those solid white backgrounds in your pictures?
2)Do you do much editing to your photos, or do you you keep it to a light touch up and sharpening?

Anonymous said...

I find this picture very cool

Jimmy Calhoun