Thursday, May 21, 2009

May 21

Long over due


Alright-y then I was tagged by PG a while ago to do an unedited self-portrait. The rules were:

As soon as you learn you have been tagged to play, you take a photo right away, no cleaning up, no primping, no preening. Just grab the camera and shoot. No cleaning up the photo in post either.

Now in my defense I didn't do it right away because I had just had surgery that day, and was totally knocked up on oxycodone.

Then I just forgot. :)

So here it is at long last, an unedited photo! This is me Monday about half way through my 3 hour hike. Scary I know!

So now I'm suppose to tag some people:

The entire Pentad crew. I'll give you guys more detail tomorrow.

Marian Heart



2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tag, Brian!
I may get a chance to do it within a few weeks. I know that Emily (Cursed Photographer) also had two questions at the end of her tag which seemed like they would be fun to answer, so even if I don't get around to the self portrait, I think it would be fun to answer those questions. There should be more photography memes.

Anyhoo, good self portrait. I always have a heck of a time with self portraits because I hate not being able to see the subject. ;)

Lula said...

Hey :)
You haven't been updating your other blog, so I thought I'd come on over here ;)
Thanks for tagging me...I think haha.
All of your new photos are great, I almost jumped out of my seat when I saw the one of your sis with a sheet over her :D I especially like the naturey ones ;)