Friday, November 7, 2008

Project 365; 309


Today was very blah and yuck.

I went downtown to check on an e-mail I got from a lady who wants me to do a craft fair next weekend. Which I won't be doing because I've got no stock. But I went down to check out the location anyway. Any who, it rained, like a lot. So I hung out in the library till it stopped raining.

So, after I checked out the craft fair location. I parked, and walked around for about a hour, looking for some small shops. Apparently we don't have many. And they're all across the river. So anyways, I ended up an art gallery this one to be exact. They had a lot of interesting paintings, sculptures, photographs, and what not. One of the artists they had featured was Don. His photography was really cool. I noticed that a lot of the artists had a piece of paper in their area. I read some of them. I almost laughed out loud, some of the things they claimed inspired them was so outlandish and shallow I left a little disappointed. The art community is such a very worldly place, it saddens me. I mean, I view my photography and leather tooling as an art form. And currently its what I'm doing as a job. There's currently a large job slump in my area so I've not been having any luck in find a part-time job since graduating. So yeah, then I came home and tried to figure out what kind of photography is selling on etsy. I'm thinking of selling some prints. Of what I'm not sure but, whatever they are I'll figure it out.

By the way the title of these pictures is a mash up of "blah" and "yuck."

3 people have spoken:

Emily said...

hey you could try online stock photography, my dad sent me a link to an article about it a while ago

some people make a lot of money o.o

Anonymous said...

nice photos considering it was such a blauck day. sometimes blauck makes for the best photos.

Brian said...
