Monday, February 4, 2008

Project 365; Day 35

Light Bulb 1: Dangling

I liked Np's week long series of the SN controller so much; that I'm
doing my own week long series.

Only mine's featuring a light bulb.

5 people have spoken:

Nick Peckover said...

Cool. I'm excited to see these. I started another week-long project this week, too, not knowing you were doing one. (Great minds think alike)

Mimi said...

I am anxious to see what you can do with a light bulb that will take a week to accomplish...
how many Bri's ( or blondes) does it take to photograph a light blub?

Pam said...

I love how the bulb casts a round shadow. I think that says something profound - but I'll leave it up to you to decide what!

Mimi said...

am I losing my mind or did I not see three light bulbs all standing in a row behind a little hole digger?
did they dig themselves completely into the ground??????
Help... tell me I'm not losing it!!!

Brian said...

No Mimi,

I took it back for a little while, but its up now.